Victorville – The ICR team is always ready to lend a helping hand…Or more accurately, in November, a helping hand of Turkeys for Thanksgiving. Starting in 1991, the team at the staffing service started supporting Lois Fox’s Good Samaritans nonprofit with Turkeys for Thanksgiving. Two years later, the Brothers of St. John of God was added. Both nonprofits are amazing, serving those less fortunate led by their belief in God.
Fast forward over 30 years and hundreds of donated turkeys later, and Turkeys for Thanksgiving is probably one of the largest food drives in the High Desert thanks to the collective effort of ICR and their generous Clients, Friends, and Staff, who also donate to purchase turkeys. This year ICR Staffing Services, with the help of their Clients and Friends, donated over 400 turkeys.
ICR could not have delivered the hundreds of turkeys without a little help. For the initial deliveries to the Brothers of St. John of God and A Better Way, reinforcements were called in by way of the San Bernardino County Sheriff Department’s H.O.P.E. Team, who helped with the loading at Walmart and unloading at the two nonprofit locations. Store Manager Elias Ramos at Walmart Supercenter on Amargosa in Victorville, along with Front Manager Sandra Rubios and the store employees, were terrific in getting the turkeys ready for pickup and helping with loading.
Next came the lion’s share of turkey donations, which went to Rescue Mission Alliance Victor Valley. It took two trips, filling their box truck to the brim each time, to get the turkeys to their location. The turkeys will feed attendees at their five November 18th Thanksgiving banquets and go in their turkey basket giveaways. For information on the banquet locations and turkey basket giveaway, along with residency and income requirements, go to bit.ly/GreatThanksgivingCelebration2023.
The final batch of turkeys went to Rock’n Our Disabilities Foundation. The founder’s daughter, Deja, was on hand to accept the donation, which was fitting because Dana Hernandez, Deja’s mother and organization founder said, “She is the reason we started Rock’n Our Disabilities.”
During this season of thanks, ICR Staffing Services count their many blessings. Among those are their amazing Clients and Friends, who not only helped make this year’s Turkeys for Thanksgiving possible, but also a huge success. For over 30 years, the message has been the same….
Remember the beauty of helping those less fortunate, and May God Bless Everyone!
ICR Contact: 760-245-8384
Terry Saenz, Public Relations/Marketing Manager