Workplace safety should be one of a company’s top concerns. Accidents represent one of the most significant costs a business can face. The National Safety Council reports that workplace safety incidents cost employers $163.9 billion. And that doesn’t address the pain and suffering felt by the unfortunate employees injured in these accidents. The good news is that there are many ways to make the workplace safer.
Here are six workplace safety tips all employees should know.
6 Essential Workplace Safety Tips
Handle Machinery and Tools with Care
There’s a reason using heavy tools requires training and, in some situations, special licensing and/or certification – this type of equipment can cause serious injuries if used improperly. With that in mind, always use the right tool for the job and follow the safety instructions closely.
Keep Ergonomics in Mind
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 33% of workplace injuries are ergonomic. That means they’re caused by prolonged strain, pressure, or incorrect posture. To avoid such injuries, make sure you keep all your tools and supplies within easy reach. Lift heavy loads with your legs to avoid back injuries. And if you sit all day, make sure your chair is adjusted to your body, and that you sit up straight.
Keep Your Eyes and Ears Open
Workplace safety – particularly in a warehouse or industrial environment – depends on staying continually aware of your surroundings. Make sure you identify any possible risk factors, and always keep an eye out for sudden movement in your area.
Take Breaks Regularly
The more tired you are, the better your chances of being injured due to physical and mental fatigue. Because of this, it’s imperative you take breaks at your scheduled times. Not only is it a good idea, but it’s required by labor regulations.
If You See Something, Say Something
If you observe co-workers who aren’t following safety protocols, or you notice hazardous conditions that aren’t covered by current safety procedures, report them. This doesn’t make you a snitch; rather, it shows a commitment to the health and wellbeing of your colleagues. It also helps keep your company from being penalized for violating the rules of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
Wear Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
Because of the COVID pandemic, most people think of masks when they hear PPE. However, in an industrial environment, PPE has a much broader description and can include earplugs for noisy environments, goggles to protect from potential flying debris, and sturdy work boots to prevent injury from dropped heavy products and equipment.
Looking for a warehouse or industrial job? ICR staffing can help. Start your job search here.